Holistic Renewable Energy System Solution for Electricity, Heat and Mobility
Perfectly matched components ensure a reliable supply of heat and solar power for many years. Heat and Solarstrom.

Photovoltaic system for power generation

With permanently installed solar modules on the roof, you generate environmentally friendly electricity and with a suitable photovoltaic storage system, you significantly increase the potential for self-use and can even use yours in the evenings and at night. Excess electricity can be fed into the public grid for a fixed fee.
Meanwhile, households are increasingly concerned with sector coupling: the energy from the photovoltaic system is not only used as household electricity, but also for heat supply, for example by heat pumps and other electrical heating devices.
Especially in the private sector, charging stations or Wallboxes act as guarantors of self-sufficiency. Of course, an electric car is only really good for our environment if it is charged with renewable energy, ideally of course with electricity from our own roof.
Our GL-ELECTRICITY Plus Plus system solution with its combination of photovoltaics offers a particularly large number of savings e-mobility. The GL-ELECTRICITY Plus variants range from simple solutions without energy management to the intelligent charging solution that enables dynamic surplus charging and thus the optimal use of self-generated solar power.

Advantages of the GL-ELECTRICITY Solution
Here are some advantages of a photovoltaic system
Probably the main reason for thinking about your own solar system: the reduction of electricity costs. The solar electricity you generate yourself has a direct and positive effect on your monthly electricity bill.
So why not use this inexhaustible source of energy to supply your own household with (virtually) free electricity?
Überschüssiger Strom aus der PV-Anlage kommt nicht nur dem eigenen Haushalt zugute, sondern kann via Netzeinspeisung dem öffentlichen Netz zugänglich gemacht werden. So trägt jeder Anlagenbesitzer mit seiner PV-Energie zu mehr Ökostrom bei und verdient gleichzeitig Geld.
Dank der Vergütung nach dem EEG haben Sie eine sichere Einnahmequelle, die Ihnen auf 20 Jahre garantiert ist. Für jede eingespeiste Kilowattstunde (kWh) gibt es eine Einspeisevergütung. Diese sinkt allerdings stetig. Ausschlaggebend für die Höhe ist der Zeitpunkt der Inbetriebnahme der Solaranlage. Der Vergütungs-Strompreis für PV-Anlagen auf Wohnhäusern mit einer Leistung kleiner als 10 Kilowatt-Peak (kWp), liegt zum Beispiel im Juli 2022 bei 6,23 Cent pro kWh.
Je nach Einspeisevergütung, kann es wirtschaftlicher sein, den überschüssigen Strom für den Eigenverbrauch in einer Stromcloud zu speichern
A PV system gives self-sufficiency. With a solar plant, the owner is more independent from rising electricity prices. With your own power plant, the longed-for independence from rising electricity prices becomes a reality. The electricity that is generated during the day is immediately used in the house for incidental consumption: shower, radio, laptop, etc. For owners of electric cars: during the day, they can charge up with electricity from the roof. In combination with an electricity storage system, a degree of self-sufficiency of more than 70% is possible.
Protecting the environment is now high on the list of priorities. The use of renewable energies, such as solar energy, is therefore clearly one of the advantages of a PV system compared to buying electricity from the public grid.
The PV system is an individual seismograph for climate awareness. You only have to buy a small amount of electricity. This reduces the need for coal or nuclear power and thus also your own CO2 emissions. The PV system itself does not produce any CO2 emissions.
At the end of the modules' service life, they can simply be dismantled. Disposal should be the smallest problem compared to a nuclear power plant. Solar cells, glass front and the aluminium frame are the most important components that can be recycled.
Wer eine Photovoltaikanlage betreibt, übt steuerlich eine gewerbliche Tätigkeit aus. Denn wer seinen überschüssigen Strom verkauft und damit Gewinn erzielt, tut das natürlich gewerblich. Trotzdem ist keine Gewerbeanmeldung bei der zuständigen Kommune (Stadt- oder Gemeindeverwaltung) erforderlich.
Dadurch können Sie nämlich die gezahlte Mehrwertsteuer der Anlage als Vorsteuer geltend machen. Das gilt auch für Instandhaltungskosten etc. Das funktioniert jedoch nur, wenn Sie sich für die Regelbesteuerung entscheiden. Melden Sie sich als Kleinunternehmer beim Finanzamt (wenn die Einnahmen unter 22.000 EUR liegen und andere Voraussetzungen erfüllt sind), bekommen Sie die Mehrwertsteuer nicht zurück, müssen aber auch keine Mehrwertsteuer auf die produzierte Energie abführen. Genau berät sie dazu der Steuerberater Ihres Vertrauens. Dennoch gehört der Steuervorteil hier bei uns zu den Pro-Argumenten.
Kein Finanzierungsrisiko wie beispielsweise bei Aktien oder ähnlichen Anlagemöglichkeiten, die nicht vorhersehbaren Schwankungen unterliegen.
Apart from replacing the inverter and battery storage after 10 to 15 years, solar systems require very little maintenance. Solar modules are also optimally prepared for storms, hail and other weather conditions.
High-quality and regularly maintained solar modules can provide clean energy on the roof for around 30 years.
Die Bundesregierung verfolgt Pläne zu erneuerbaren Energien, die Ihnen bei der Finanzierung Ihrer Energie-Visionen zugutekommen. So soll die Energieversorgung in Deutschland bis zum Jahr 2030 zu 65 % aus erneuerbaren Energien bestehen. Darum werden Photovoltaikanlagen von der Bundesregierung gefördert. In zahlreichen Bundesländern gibt es Förderprogramme, die Zuschüsse für den Kauf einer PV-Anlage mit Stromspeicher umfassen. So ist es oftmals möglich, einen Teil der Anschaffungskosten und des Stromspeichers fördern zu lassen. Außerdem gibt es bundesweite Photovoltaik-Förderungen der KfW, die bei der Finanzierung helfen.
Electromobility is on the rise. A wall charging station (wallbox) is all that is needed to recharge the electric car directly in the garage.
Especially in combination with an electricity storage unit, a flexible and ecologically and economically worthwhile charging of the e-car with its own solar energy is possible.
Having a solar system on your roof increases the value of your property when selling or renting it out. Especially when selling, not only the value of the photovoltaic system itself should be considered, but also the expected income from electricity generation.

Heating with a heat pump saves money and protects the environment at the same time. It is even more efficient to combine a heat pump with a solar thermal system and thus use the sun's energy at the same time. Heat pumps and solar thermal systems can be combined in various ways: directly (both systems produce heat for heating and hot water) or indirectly (the solar thermal system increases the efficiency of the heat pump).The solar system covers up to 60 percent of the annual energy consumption for heating domestic hot water, and the heat pump sparingly takes care of warming rooms.
Advantages of the combination between solar thermal and heat pump
- Greater independence from energy suppliers
- CO2-neutral heating possible
- Lower heating costs
- High state subsidies
GL-Full package
Heat pumps use up to 75 per cent environmental heat from the air, soil or groundwater in the surroundings to generate heating energy. The rest of the heat comes from electrical drive energy. A solar thermal system generates heat from solar energy. Since both technologies complement each other particularly well, you can combine a heat pump with solar thermal and photovoltaic systems.While the solar heat ensures lower electricity consumption, the solar electricity covers your own needs and additionally a large part of the electricity demand of the heat pump. Realistically, with a supplementary photovoltaic system it is possible to reduce the consumption of a heat pump by about 20 to up to 50 percent, depending on the dimensioning of the system. The entire e-energy system solution with hybrid heating thus works more efficiently, sustainably and economically.

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You want to generate your own Electricity und Ihre eigene Heat from solar energy? Here you will find your customized photovoltaic and solar thermal system also in combination with heat pump and Electric mobility charging device.