Grün leben GmbH Logo


Reach your goal with solar power

With our GL-STROM Plus Home system for private Your Own Home or GL-STROM Plus Business for commercial and industrial operations, you can charge your commercial vehicle or company car in a maximally environmentally friendly way. You save mobility costs and increase the economic efficiency of your PV system at the same time. 


To reap the full environmental benefits of electric cars, the electricity must be generated from renewable energy sources - otherwise the total
CO2 emissions may be even higher than those of conventional cars. 

For this reason, Grün leben GmbH offers the e-mobility package exclusively in combination with a photovoltaic system.




Of course, an electric car is only really good for our environment if it is charged with renewable energy, ideally of course with electricity from our own roof.

Our GL-ELECTRICITY Plus system solution with the combination of photovoltaics and e-mobility The GL-ELECTRICITY Plus variants range from simple solutions without energy management to intelligent charging solutions that enable dynamic surplus charging and thus the optimal use of self-generated solar power. 



  • E-vehicles can be charged directly with their own PV electricity
    during the day
  • The combination of e-mobility and PV systems can help to optimise the farm's load profile, avoid peak loads and thus reduce costs.
  • With a stationary PV storage system, use can be shifted to the evening and night hours.
  • Companies gain independence from external
    such as fluctuating electricity prices or uncertain
    fuel prices.
  • Companies can charge their company vehicle fleets
    cost-effectively and at prices that can be calculated over the long term.
  • Companies make a valuable contribution to the local energy transition.
  • Combinations of PV power generation and e-mobility can form an important building block for a comprehensive corporate sustainability strategy.
  • The conversion to e-mobility in company fleets makes it possible to fundamentally question and optimise company mobility.

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You want to generate your own Electricity und Ihre eigene Heat from solar energy? Here you will find your customized photovoltaic and solar thermal system also in combination with heat pump and Electric mobility charging device.

Would you like personal advice?
Arrange your desired appointment easily and conveniently here.

Our customer consultants have a high level of expertise and a lot of experience and can provide you with the best possible advice on technical and economic issues when planning your plant.